Notizie dal Sava
Firefighters continue to work at the scene where the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Sava was gutted in a massive fire Sunday evening in the Flatiron District on May 02, 2016 in New York City. The fire, which started on the day which Serbian ...
FDNY looks into cause of church inferno as cleanup begins
La neoyorquina catedral de Saint Sava, ubicada en Manhattan, sufrió un voraz incendio este domingo, sin que se reportaran heridos. Al mediodía, se habían celebrado las pascuas ortodoxas pero las autoridades señalaron que al momento del siniestro ya ...
Voraz incendio consumió a la catedral ortodoxa Saint <b>Sava</b> en <b>...</b>
On Sunday night around 6:50 p.m., a fire broke out the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava on West 26th Street between Fifth and Sixth avenues. The fire grew into a four-alarm blaze that virtually gutted the building—a New York City landmark and ...
Fire at Landmarked Flatiron Church Is Out, But Origin Remains <b>...</b>
MANHATTAN, Nueva York. – ¿Qué provocó ese fuego tan intenso… o quién lo provocó? Tras esas respuestas se mantienen este lunes los bomberos de la Ciudad de Nueva York, mientras terminan las labores en el achicharrado esqueleto de la histórica ...
“Sospechoso” el fuego que acabó con la catedral Saint <b>Sava</b> en <b>...</b>
El entrenador de Racing Facundo Sava repetirá el equipo para visitar a Atlético Mineiro por Copa Libertadores con la novedad que Gustavo Bou ocupará un lugar en el banco de los suplentes como alternativa de ataque, en caso de necesitar salir a buscar ...
It is not clear if anyone was inside the structure when the fire began at the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava shortly before 7:00pm, and no deaths or serious injuries have been reported. 168 FDNY personnel collaborated to put out the blaze ...
Afternoon Bulletin: Fire Sweeps Historic Church, NYC Sends 1M <b>...</b>
CAP di Sava
Relais Reggia Domizia Relais Reggia Domizia
Strada Statale 7ter Manduria Sava
74024 Manduria
Masseria Le Fabriche Masseria Le Fabriche
SP Maruggio - Torricella
74020 Maruggio
Hotel Residence Laurito Hotel Residence Laurito
S.P. 54 Francavilla - Manduria Km. 5,00
72024 Oria