Notizie dal Suni
Kim kaybetmiş suni olmayan sınırları da, biz bulalım bu bölgede? Dünya üzerinde tüm devletlerin sınırları bir gün çizilerek oluşturuluyor. Mühim olan yeni sınırlar çizmek değil; ülkelerin içinde yarattığımız sınırları ortadan kaldırmak. Zira suni olan ...
JUPITER, Fla.- - The deadline to move out has passed for the people living in one waterfront community in Jupiter. Saturday was eviction day for those living at Suni Sands Mobile Home Park and so far more than three-quarters of residents have left to ...
<b>Suni</b> Sands Mobile Home Park is closed
Tukuma dzīvnieku patversme ziņo par nežēlīgu izturēšanos pret bīglu Valmieras pusē, kur saimnieks viņu mēģinājis izmantot kā ķēdes suni īpašuma apsargāšanai. "Reizēm liekas, ka cilvēki kurpes iegādājās ar lielāku apdomu, nekā dzīvnieku! Bīglu puika uz ...
Valmieras pusē kāds vīrietis mēģinājis izmantot bīglu kā sargsuni
Those who call Suni Sands Mobile Home Park their residence are being evicted to make room for a new developer. Some of the homes are already boarded up and people are packing up. Bent posts remains where there was once a Suni Sands sign.
Mobile home park residents evicted at Jupiter&#39;s <b>Suni</b> Sands
The The Suni Sands dock on the Jupiter Inlet is padlocked shut. The pool for residents has been drained, said Burns. April 30 was the deadline for eviction. About two dozen residents remain living in their mobile homes. The eviction process to require ...
End of an era: <b>Suni</b> Sands in Jupiter is closed
Pārtikas un veterinārais dienests, saņemot informāciju no Valsts policijas, nekavējoties iesaistījās lietas izmeklēšanā. Apskatot dzīvnieku, inspektori konstatēja, ka tas ir acīmredzami vājš un izbadējies. Ķēde, kurā suns ilgstoši bijis piesiets, ir ...
Saimniece aizbrauc, bet <b>suni</b> bez aprūpes atstāj piesietu pie ķēdes
CAP di Suni
Anghelos E Istellas Anghelos E Istellas
Loc. Sa Mura E Su Lavru
08010 Tinnura
B&B Modolo B&B Modolo
Via Roma 46
08019 Modolo
B&B S'Alzolitta B&B S'Alzolitta
Via Aldo Moro 37
08010 Magomadas